Claromentis Design



UI Icons

Claromentis is using Ionicons, an open-source icon set with over 1,300 icons. Ionicons are available under MIT license

Explore specimens or download designer pack

As of 2021 Glyphicons have been deprecated and must not be used to represent Claromentis brand, features or applications


Each icon is available in three variants. Filled and Outline can be used interchangeably as required.

outlineDefault variant, also used for elements that do not need to stand out
filledUsed to emphasize an object or action
⚠️sharpUsed for prototyping only to reduce visual complexity

Application icons

Claromentis applications are represented as hierarchical icons (containing elements of varying opacities). This adds depth and emphasis to important elements of the icon.

Clarometis app icons on Zeplin app | web;


Application icons support theming with a solid tint colour however, care must be taken to avoid misrepresentation of the produuct when customer branding is applied.

Metadata application iconGradientDefault representation of the icon must be used in Product and Marketing
Metadata application icon brandedSolidSolid fill must only be used to illustrate customer branding and must not be used to represent the application as a whole

SVG Structure

Vector icons must follow the following structure.

top-layerShapeGradient or solid fill
bottom-layer--styleGroup50% opacity applied
bottom-layerShapeGradient or solid fill, nested inside bottom-layer--style group


The icons can be implemented in multiple ways including using them directly as SVG, calling them with the <ion-icon> component or downloading and converting them to your desired file type, the easiest way to display them within Claromentis products is with the Ionicons web component which is included with both the Claromentis intranet software and the company website.

Typical file paths

SiteFile Path
Claromentis intranet software/interface_default/[module-folder-name]/assets/images/[file-name.svg]
Company website[file-name.svg]

The [file-name.svg] can be replaced by any of the SVG file names in the table below.

List of icons

A complete list of all Claromentis icons.

#IconApp NameFile (Click to download)
1announcements iconannouncementsannouncements-icon.svg
2audit iconauditaudit-icon.svg
3audit manager iconaudit manageraudit-manager-icon.svg
4badges iconbadgesbadges-icon.svg
5blog iconblogblog-icon.svg
6buttons iconbuttonsbuttons-icon.svg
7calendar iconcalendarcalendar-icon.svg
8communication iconcommunicationcommunication-icon.svg
9compliance iconcompliancecompliance-icon.svg
10courses iconcoursescourses-icon.svg
11design icondesigndesign-icon.svg
12digital assets icondigital assetsdigital-assets-icon.svg
13discuss icondiscussdiscuss-icon.svg
14documents icondocumentsdocuments-icon.svg
15events iconeventsevents-icon.svg
16expenses iconexpensesexpenses-icon.svg
17extranet iconextranetextranet-icon.svg
18forum iconforumforum-icon.svg
19gallery icongallerygallery-icon.svg
20generic icongenericgeneric-icon.svg
21holiday planner iconholiday plannerholiday-planner-icon.svg
22hr iconhrhr-icon.svg
23infocapture iconinfocaptureinfocapture-icon.svg
24knowledge base iconknowledge baseknowledge-base-icon.svg
25learning iconlearninglearning-icon.svg
26menu builder iconmenu buildermenu-builder-icon.svg
27metadata iconmetadatametadata-icon.svg
28news iconnewsnews-icon.svg
29oauth2 iconoauth2oauth2-icon.svg
30org chart iconorg chartorg-chart-icon.svg
31pages iconpagespages-icon.svg
32people iconpeoplepeople-icon.svg
33policy manager iconpolicy managerpolicy-manager-icon.svg
34polls and surveys iconpolls and surveyspolls-and-surveys-icon.svg
35projects iconprojectsprojects-icon.svg
36publish iconpublishpublish-icon.svg
37quiz iconquizquiz-icon.svg
38reports iconreportsreports-icon.svg
39room booking iconroom bookingroom-booking-icon.svg
40search iconsearchsearch-icon.svg
41settings iconsettingssettings-icon.svg
42slider iconsliderslider-icon.svg
43social connect iconsocial connectsocial-connect-icon.svg
44statistics iconstatisticsstatistics-icon.svg
45surveys legacy iconsurveys legacysurveys-legacy-icon.svg
46system iconsystemsystem-icon.svg
47tags icontagstags-icon.svg
48telemetry icontelemetrytelemetry-icon.svg
49thank you iconthank youthank-you-icon.svg
50two factor icontwo factortwo-factor-icon.svg
51workflows iconworkflowsworkflows-icon.svg