
Base card component.


  <cla-card href="/cardlink?1" cardtitle="Lorem ipsum" cardsub="sub text (this can be left out if you don't need it)"></cla-card>

You can truncate the text in the title or text using the following style classes: .truncate-title .truncate-text


Property Attribute Description Type Default
href href Card link - attached to card title and media slot string undefined
statusborder statusborder Status border - if the card has a status border you can set the colour here e.g. "#000"; string undefined
styleclass styleclass Style Class - adds class to the card for styling and rounded corners string undefined


Slot Description
"cardtop" Allows for content at the top of the card including figures, images and headers.
"footer" Allows a footer to be added to the card.
"menu" Allows a menu to be added.
"none" This is the main content of the card

Built with StencilJS